Title: This is it! Rating : NC-17 Author: lilyeyes Word Count: 100x3 Challenge: snarry100 #390: Head over Heels / #391: All Natural Warnings: ** Disclaimer: JKR owns the Potterverse - I just play in it. No money is made from these amateur works. Summary:The transition from friends to lovers can be rough. A/N: For alisanne and emynn ♥
Title: Head Over Heels Author: alisanne Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter Word Count: 100 x 6 Rating: PG Challenge: Written for Snarry100's prompt #390: Head over Heels Warning(s): None A/N: Apologies for the uninspired title. :/ Betas: sevfan and emynn. Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented
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Title: A Mission of the Heart Author: NightAsphodel Word Count: 100 x 8 Challenge: Written for snarry100 prompt 390: Head Over Heels. Warning(s): None Rating(s): G Disclamer: Don't own the characters. No profit is being made from this story A/N: I wanted fluffy and romantic so here you go. Summary: Valentine's day... Harry's way.
Title: Innocent Beginnings Rating: G Author: SoLeo Word Count: 100 Challenge: Snarry100 #390: Head Over Heels Warnings: *Implied Mpreg* Disclaimer: You know I don't own them. Summary: Lily asks her Papa some important questions.